Jeffrey Heys, PhD, PE

Department Head
Email: jeffrey.heys@montana.eduOffice Phone: 406-994-7902
Cell Phone: 406-600-6491
Office: COBH 310
- EGEN 102
- ECHM 201
- ECHM 451
- EBIO 411
- B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Montana State University[BROKEN LINK]
- M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder
- Postdoc in Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado at Boulder
Research Interests
- Development of mathematical models for nanoparticle synthesis and radiation detection.
- Using systems biology and dynamical system modeling to understand productivity in microbial consortia.
- Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for advection-diffusion problems and the Navier-Stokes equation
- Biofilm-fluid interaction and quorum sensing
- Using the higher-order finite elements and the spectral element methods to predict particle deposition in the human airways
- The modeling of biological systems in which there is a mechanical coupling between a moving fluid and tissues. Problems of current interest include the cricket sensory system and biofilms.
- Using a first-order system least-squares (FOSLS) and algebraic multigrid (AMG) to solve the Navier-Stokes equations with additional boundary data (i.e., data assimilation).
- I've developed a parallel, high-order least-squares finite element code that uses "hypre" by LLNL and a high-order discontinuous Galerkin finite element code that uses Trilinos by SNL.
- Group website
- Heys, J.J. (2017) "Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Calculations Using Python", John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
- Ray, L., J.J. Iliff, and J.J. Heys (2019), “Analysis of convective and diffusive transport
in the brain interstitium”,
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 16 (1), 6
Schepens, D., R.P. Carlson, J. Heys, A.E. Beck, T. Gedeon (2019) “Role of resource allocation and transport in emergence of cross-feeding in microbial consortia”, Journal of theoretical biology 467, 150-163
Heys, J.J., (2018) “Machine Learning as a Tool to Identify Critical Assignments”, Chemical Engineering Education, 52(4): 243-250
Carlson, R.P., A.E. Beck, P. Phalak, M.W. Fields, T. Gedeon, L. Hanley, W.R. Harcombe, M.A. Henson, J.J. Heys, (2018) “Competitive resource allocation to metabolic pathways contributes to overflow metabolisms and emergent properties in cross-feeding microbial consortia”, Biochemical Society Transactions, BST20170242
Akar, B. , K. Subramaniam, E. Narayanan, K. Rege and J.J. Heys, (2018) “Mechanistic investigation of radiolysis-induced gold nanoparticle formation for radiation dose prediction”, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
Mushaben, M., R. Urie, T. Flake, K. Rege, and J.J. Heys, (2018) “Spatiotemporal Modeling for the Optimization of Laser Tissue Soldering”, Lasers Surg. Med., 50(2): 143-152
Schepens, D., A.E. Beck, J.J. Heys, T. Gedeon, and R.P. Carlson, (2017) "The Benefits of Resource Partitioning and Division of Labor in Microbial Consortia", Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology
- Rajaraman, P.K, G.D. Vo, G. Hansen, and J.J. Heys, (2017) "Comparison of Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Differential Equations Employing Implicit Time Integration", Int. J. Comp. Meth. Eng. Sci. and Mech., 18(2-3): 182-190
- Venters, M., R.P. Carlson, T. Gedeon, and J.J. Heys, (2017) “Effects of Spatial Localization on Microbial Consortia Growth”, PLoS One, 12(1): e0168592
- Rajaraman, P.K., T.A. Manteuffel, M. Belohlavek, and J.J. Heys, (2017) “Combining Existing Numerical Models with Data Assimilation using Weighted Least-Squares Finite Element Methods”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Biomed. Eng., 33(1), 1-16
- Heys, J.J., A.M. Richards, and J.Seymour (2016), "Chemical Engineering at Montana State University.", Chem Eng Educ
- Gosney, J. and J.J. Heys (2016), "Numerical Prediction of Microbubble Attachment in Biological Flows." Am J Undergrad Res, 13(1), 21-30
- Heys, J.J. (2015), "Chemical and Biological Engineering Calculations using Python" Preliminary Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
- Rajaraman, P.K., and J.J. Heys (2014), “Echocardiographic Data Assimilation Using Least-Squares Finite Element Method.” Comput & Math Appl, 68(11), 1569-1580
- Harvey, E., J.J. Heys, and T. Gedeon (2014) “Quantifying the Effects of the Division of Labor in Metabolic Pathways”, J Theo Biol, 360, 222-242
- Rajaraman, P.K., and J.J. Heys, (2014) “Simulation of Nanoparticles Transport in Airways Using Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Methods”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Biomed. Eng., 30(1), 103-116
- Borazjani, I., J. Westerdale, E. McMahon, P.K. Rajaraman, J.J. Heys, and M. Belohlavek, (2013) “Left Ventricular Flow Analysis: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Applications in Cardiac Ultrasound”, Comp Math Methods Medicine, n. 395081
- Heys, J.J., P.K. Rajaraman, T. Gedeon, and J.P. Miller, (2012) “A Model of Filiform Hair Distribution on the Cricket Cercus”, PLoS One, 7(10): e46588
- Gedeon, T., G. Cummns, and J. Heys, (2012) “Effect of model selection on prediction of periodic behavior in gene regulatory networks”, Bull. Math. Biol.,, 74(8): 1706-1726
- Wei, F., J. Westerdale, M. Belohlavek, and J.J. Heys, (2012) “Weighted Least-Square Finite Element Method for Cardiac Blood Flow Simulation with Echocardiographic Data”, Comp. Math. Methods Medicine, n. 371315
- Miller, J.P., S. Krueger, J.J. Heys, and T. Gedeon, (2011) “Quantitative Characterization of the Filiform Mechanosensory Hair Array on the Cricket Cercus”, PLoS One, 6(11): e2787
- Wininger, C.W., and J.J. Heys (2011) “Particle Transport Modeling in Pulmonary Airways with High-order Elements”, Mathematical Biosciences, 232(1): 11-19.
- Vo, G., and J.J. Heys, (2011) “Biofilm Deformation in Response to Fluid Flow in Capillaries”, Biotech. Bioeng., 108(8): 1893-1899.
- Adams, J.C., P. Jiamsripong, M. Belohlavek, E.M. McMahon, V. Marupakula, J.J. Heys, and H.P. Chaliki, (2011) “Potential Role of Reynolds Number in Resolving Doppler- and Catheter-Based Transvalvular Gradient Discrepancies in Aortic Stenosis.”, J Heart Valve Disease, 20(2):159-164.
- Westerdale, J., M. Belohlavek, E.M. McMahon, P. Jiamsripong, J.J. Heys, and M. Milano, (2011) “Flow Velocity Vector Fields by Ultrasound Particle Imaging Velocimetry: In Vitro Comparison to Optical Flow Velocimetry”, J. Ultrasound Med., 30(2): 187-195
- Jiamsripong, P., M.S. Alharthi, A.M. Calleja, E.M. McMahon, M. Katayama, J. Westerdale, M. Milano, J.J. Heys, F. Mookadam, M. Belohlavek, (2010) “Impact of Pericardial Adhesions on Diastolic Function as Assessed by Vortex Formation Time, a Parameter of Transmitral Flow Efficiency.” Cardio. Ultrasound , 8(42): 1-6
- J.J. Heys, N. Holyoak, A.M. Callega, M. Belohlavek, H.P. Chalikim, (2010) “Revisiting the Simplified Bernoulli Equation”, TOBEJ, 4(6): 123-128
- Vo, G., E. Brindle, and J.J. Heys, (2010) “An Experimentally Validated Immersed Boundary Model of Fluid-Biofilm Interaction”, Water Sci. Tech., 61(12): 3033-3040
- Haung, H.C., K. Rege, and J.J. Heys, (2010) “Spatiotemporal Temperature Distribution and Cancer Cell Death in Response to Extracellular Hyperthermia Induced by Gold Nanorods”, ACS Nano, 4(5): 2892-2900
- Heys, J.J., T.A. Manteuffel, S.F. McCormick, M. Milano, and M. Belohlavek, (2010) “Weighted Least-Squares Finite Elements for Particle Imaging Velocimetry Analysis”, J. Comp. Physics 229(1): 107-118
- Heys, J.J., E. Lee, T.A. Manteuffel, and S.F. McCormick, (2009) “Enhanced Mass Conservation in Least-Squares Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations.” SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 31(3): 2303-2321
- Jiamsripong, P., A.M. Callega, M.S. Alharthi, M. Dzsinich, E.M. McMahon, J.J. Heys, M. Milano, P.P. Sengupta, B.K. Khandheria, M. Belohlavek, (2009) “Impact of Acute Moderate Elevation in Left Ventricular Afterload on Diastolic Transmitral Flow Efficiency: Analysis by Vortex Formation Time.” J. Am. Soc. Echocard., 22(4): 427-431
- Jiamsripong, P., A.M. Callega, M.S. Alharthi, E.J. Cho, E.M. McMahon, J.J. Heys, M. Milano, P.P. Sengupta, B.K. Khandheria, M. Belohlavek, (2009) “Increase in the Late Diastolic Filling Force Is Associated With Impaired Transmitral Flow Efficiency in Acute Moderate Elevation of Left Ventricular Afterload.” J. Ultrasound Med., 28(2): 175-182
- Wong, S.S., J. Vargas, A. Thomas, C. Fastje, M. McLaughlin, R. Camponovo, R. C. Lantz, J. Heys, and M.L. Witten, (2008) “In Vivo Comparison of Epithelial Responses for S-8 versus JP-8 Jet Fuels Below Permissible Exposure Limit.”Toxicology, 254(1-2): 106-111
- Heys, J.J., B. Knott, T. Gedeon, and Y. Kim, (2008) “Modeling Arthropod Filiform Hair Motion using the Penalty Immersed Boundary Method.” J. Biomech Eng., 41(5): 977-984
- Stukel, J.M., J.J. Heys, and M.R. Caplan, (2008) “Optimizing Delivery of Multivalent Constructs for Detection of Secondary Tumors.”Ann. Biomed. Eng., 36(7):1291-1304
- Heys J.J., (2008) “Group Projects in Chemical Engineering Using a Wiki.”, Chem. Eng. Ed., 42(2):91-104
- Merchant, B.M., and J.J. Heys, (2008) “Effects of Variable Permeability on Aqueous Humor Outflow.” Appl. Comp. Math., 196:371-380
- Heys, J.J., E. Lee, T.A. Manteuffel, and S.F. McCormick, (2007) “An Alternative Least-Squares Formulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations with Improved Mass Conservation.”, J. Comp. Physics, 226:994-1006
- Heys, J.J., E. Lee, T.A. Manteuffel, and S.F. McCormick, (2006) “On Mass-Conserving Least-Squares Methods.” SIAM J. Sci. Comput.,28(5) 1675-1693
- De Sterck, H., U. M. Yang, and J.J. Heys, (2006) "Reducing Complexity in Parallel Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners." SIAM J. Matrix Anal., 27: 1019 - 1039
- Heys, J.J., C.G. DeGroff, T.A. Manteuffel, and S.F. McCormick, (2006) “First-Order System Least Squares (FOSLS) for Modeling Blood Flow.”Medical Eng. & Physics, 28(6): 495-503
- Heys, J.J., T.A. Manteuffel, S.F. McCormick, and L.N. Olson, (2005)“Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) for Higher-Order Finite Elements.”J. Comp. Physics, 204: 520-532
- Heys, J.J., T.A. Manteuffel, S.F. McCormick, and J.W. Ruge, (2004)“First-Order System Least Squares (FOSLS) for Coupled Fluid-Elastic Problems.” J. Comp. Physics, 195(2): 560-575
- Heys, J.J., C.G. DeGroff, W.W. Orlando, T.M. Manteuffel, and S.F. McCormick, (2002) “First-order system least squares for elastohydrodynamics with application to flow in compliant blood vessels.” Biomed. Sci. Instr., 38:277-282.
- Heys, J.J. and V.H. Barocas, (2002), "A Boussinesq Model of Natural Convection in the Human Eye and the Formation of Krukenberg's Spindle.", Ann. Biomed. Eng. , 30:392-401.
- Heys, J.J. and V.H. Barocas, (2002), "Computational Evaluation of the Role of Accommodation in Pigmentary Glaucoma.", Inv. Opthalmol. Vis. Sci., 43(3): 700-708.
- Heys, J., V.H. Barocas, and M.J. Taravella (2001), "Modeling Passive Mechanical Interaction between the Aqueous Humor and Iris."J. Biomech. E., 123(6): 540-547.
- Xu, J., J.J. Heys, V. H. Barocas, and T.W. Randolph (1999), "Permeability and Diffusion in Vitreous Humor: Implications for Drug Delivery." Pharmaceut. Res., 17(6): 664-669.
- Heys, J. and V.H. Barocas (1998), "Mechanical Characterization of the Bovine Iris." J. Biomech. 32: 999-1003.