Student Success Coordinator

The Academic Advisor and Departmental Certifying Officer is Geraldine Govaerts. For most degree requirement questions and coursework requirements, she will be your first contact. You make an appointment with Geraldine on her scheduler.

Faculty Advisor

Students are assigned faculty advisors according to the following list. Faculty Advisors are an excellent resource for career, graduate education and elective selection advice.

If your last name starts with letter Your Faculty Advisor is

Dr. Jennifer Brown, or Dr. Ryan Anderson


Dr. Ross Carlson, or Dr. Paul Gannon


Dr. David Hodge, or Dr. Robin Gerlach


Dr. Stephanie McCalla, or Dr. Kate Morrissey


Dr. Phil Stewart, or Dr. Joe Seymour

T-Z Dr. Brent Peyton, or Dr. Stephanie Wettstein

Transfer Student Advising

Dr. Abigail Richards and Geraldine Govaerts are the principal advisors for transfer students until you get on track with the MSU chemical and/or biological engineering curriculum.

The evaluation of your credits transferred from your previous institution takes place in two parts:

  1. The University evaluates general courses for MSU course equivalencies.  University transfer evaluations are performed by the Admissions Office.

  2. The Department then evaluates your transfer courses for possible course substitutions. Departmental transfer evaluations are performed by department transfer advisors.

updated: 09/21/20